What keeps you running?
My race training schedule today called for "4 miles easy" today. About a year ago, I would not have used "4 miles" and "easy" in the same paragraph, much less the same sentence. But when [...]
If you didn't find what you were looking for, try a new search!
My race training schedule today called for "4 miles easy" today. About a year ago, I would not have used "4 miles" and "easy" in the same paragraph, much less the same sentence. But when [...]
I often get questions from readers about writing. How do you build a writing life? I think it begins with two things: Schedule time to write. Do it as a daily practice. Schedule time to [...]
I went for a run this week in the woods. The subzero weather has abated, and things are beginning to melt. But the path shaded by tall, bare trees remains hidden from sunlight, and still [...]
About a year ago, I remember feeling a bit of mild panic as I took the last container of Clorox Wipes from a now empty shelf in Target. Something big was going on. We had [...]
I slip into my silent, dark house, shedding wet running shoes and jacket. In the kitchen, I pour a cup of coffee from the pot I made earlier and microwave it back to life. I [...]
I have reached the halfway point in an audacious adventure, in which I train for my first marathon. The training program is 18 weeks long, and I just finished week nine. I have a training [...]
When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. [...]
I’m a big believer in goal setting, in saying out loud what you want to strive for and achieve. Just articulating a goal makes it a lot more likely that you’ll achieve it. Writing down [...]
The Imago Dei is a mystery. How is it that we, made of dust, bear the image of God, the imprint of the divine? A mystery we can embrace but not fully explain, theologians have [...]
We run downhill on a single track through a lush Midwestern woods, sunlight and green rushing past. Our feet staccato over roots and stones, undergrowth brushing our legs as we fly. I let out a [...]